TRAINING : Awareness, CTI, Cyber Threat Hunting, Practical Ethical Hacking, HoneyPots August is drawing to a close and has been an interesting month for many reasons. I am starting a new job Sept 1st and the other is due to some great training I took. While I finish off Building Intrusion Detection Honeypots with Chris Sanders (Applied Network Defense) Awareness SANS Awareness Summit The past year or so, SANS has provided a steady stream of excellent free virtual Summits for everyone to enjoy. Appreciated and amazing! Windows I took Windows Post Exploitation with Kyle Avery and was impressed, Kyle is enthusiastic, highly skilled and explains things at the right level – at least for me ! I know very little about this area and as a blue team defender, I wanted to know a bit more of how some of the magic happens. This is a longer...
Showing posts from August, 2021